
Lichess coaches

FM RatkovicP Lichess coach picture

FM Ratkovic Petar

"Success consists of going from failure to failure wihout loss of enthusiasm"

Location Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Српски језик, Italiano
RatingFIDE: 230225222397
Hourly rate$17 1 hour lesson, bundle of 10 lessons $150 (homework + additional material included)
IM chessmaxusa Lichess coach picture

IM Dejan Maksimovic

Improve your chess like never before.I teach, Unique,Fast and efficient proven techniques!My students achieved extreme success, winning of trophy's ,USA and Fide titles!

LocationChicago, IL, United States Serbia
LanguagesСрпски језик, Italiano, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 24412582
Hourly rateVery reasonable and negotiable