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[Event "Rated King of the Hill game"] [Site ""] [Date "2021.05.13"] [White "Redhead_Power"] [Black "soggydollar"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2021.05.13"] [UTCTime "22:04:53"] [WhiteElo "2074"] [BlackElo "1988"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+9"] [BlackRatingDiff "-4"] [Variant "King of the Hill"] [TimeControl "30+0"] [ECO "A80"] [Opening "Dutch Defense"] [Termination "Time forfeit"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 f5 { A80 Dutch Defense } 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. Nc3 Be7 5. g3 O-O 6. Bg2 d6 7. O-O Nbd7 8. Qc2 e5 9. dxe5 dxe5 10. Rd1 g6 11. Bh6 Re8 12. Rd2 e4 13. Nd4 Bc5 14. Rad1 Qe7 15. Ndb5 Bb6 16. Bf4 Ne5 17. Bxe5 Qxe5 18. e3 Qc5 19. b3 a6 20. Nd4 Qd6 21. Na4 Qe5 22. Nxb6 cxb6 23. Ne2 Be6 24. Nf4 Qxf4 25. Qb2 Qe5 26. Qxe5 Nd7 27. Qd6 Nc5 28. Qxb6 Nd3 29. Rxd3 exd3 30. Rxd3 Bxc4 31. bxc4 Red8 32. Rxd8+ Rxd8 33. Qxd8+ Kg7 34. Qd5 Kh6 35. Kf1 Kh5 36. Ke2 { White wins on time. } 1-0