[Event "Casual King of the Hill game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/FvIBHZdi"]
[Date "2025.01.03"]
[White "Bercelona"]
[Black "Benireal"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "FvIBHZdi"]
[UTCDate "2025.01.03"]
[UTCTime "19:34:03"]
[WhiteElo "1500"]
[BlackElo "1981"]
[Variant "King of the Hill"]
[TimeControl "300+3"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn Game: Modern Defense"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. d4 g6 { A40 Queen's Pawn Game: Modern Defense } 2. c4 Bg7 3. e4 c5 4. d5 a6 5. f4 d6 6. e5 dxe5 7. fxe5 Bxe5 8. Bh6 Bf5 9. Ke2 Qd6 10. Nf3 Bf4 11. Bxf4 Qxf4 12. g3 Qe4+ 13. Kf2 Nh6 14. Qe2 Ng4+ 15. Kg2 Ne3+ 16. Kg1 O-O 17. Nc3 Qc2 18. Kf2 Qxe2+ 19. Kxe2 Nxc4 20. Rd1 Re8 21. Rd4 b5 22. Rxc4 bxc4 23. Ke3 e6 24. Ne4 exd5 25. Nd2 Bxe4 26. Nxe4 Rxe4+ 27. Kf3 Nc6 28. Bxc4 Nd4+ 29. Kf2 dxc4 30. Rd1 Rae8 31. Rxd4 cxd4 32. Kf3 Kg7 33. g4 Kf6 34. g5+ Ke5# { Game ends by variant rule. } 0-1