Played 2 Rapid games172912
No note yet
Victor Ciornea
Chemistry is one of the fundamental sciences in the knowledge of matter and energy. Some component parts of matter can interact between with energy exchange. These are molecules and atoms.
About chess... I love the Blackmar-Diemer gambit

Member since 18 Apr 2020
Time spent playing: 21 days, 20 hours
Played 9 moves in 2 correspondence games
Played 13 moves in 4 correspondence games
Played 6 moves in 3 correspondence games
Solved 1 training puzzle176037
Played 1 Rapid game17175
Played 3 moves in 3 correspondence games
Played 6 moves in 3 correspondence games
Played 17 moves in 1 correspondence game
Played 3 moves in 3 correspondence games