Played 20 Blitz games160216
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Rubén Guillermo Vega
Member since 27 Aug 2016
Time spent playing: 106 days, 7 hours
Teams1942Ajedrez Torneos Rápidos Sub 1800Amigos de Jorge Costa 80Clases de ajedrez en vivo del IMDClub de ajedrez ULP - San LuisDiego_MaradonaDirección Provincial de Adultos Mayores de CatamarcaEscuela Municipal de Ajedrez SFV de CatamarcaFSAIndiana Jones y la última cruzadaLewis HamiltonLos Super Bohemios IncorregiblesMaxi Pérez AjedrezMazinger ZPatricio Rey y sus Redonditos de RicotaPeón Rey de La PunaTecno AjedrezTORNEO CIUDAD DE CASILDATorneos de Ajedrez en LíneaTORRES DE CAPITALVentajedrezVilla Constitucion - ArcelorMittal - Infantil
Played 23 Bullet games146535
Played 15 Blitz games161820
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #12 (top 52%) with 4 games in UchoMetriks Arena
Ranked #347 (top 63%) with 31 games in 123 BATALLA DE LAS 12 HORAS Team Battle
Played 17 Bullet games150015
Solved 3 training puzzles153150
Played 10 Bullet games148510
Played 3 Blitz games16382
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #63 (top 81%) with 3 games in Lichess Liga 7B Team Battle
Played 7 Bullet games14752
Played 5 Bullet games147717
Played 13 Bullet games14603