fun stats for the Bundesliga 1 competition 2023
Stats like: which team team won the most, which player scored the most points in a battleIntro
For the people who do not know the Lichess Bundesliga competition: it is the biggest online chess team competition with 2 rounds every week (Thursday and Sunday).It consists of 17 leagues and every round about 5000 people participate.The highest league (Bundesliga 1) is very strong and usually a lot of titled players participate.
Overall stats
A total of 105 Bundesliga 1 matches have been played in 2023.
A total of 334466 (!) games have been played.
Team stats
A total of 65 different teams played in the Bundesliga 1 competition in 2023.
The top 5 of teams who won the Bundesliga 1 the most:
- 39 The House Discord Server
- 24 Dark Horse
- 13 Торпедо Москва
- 10 Latin United Club II
- 3 SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.
The top 10 of teams who participated the most:
- 104 Торпедо Москва
- 104 The House Discord Server
- 97 Dark Horse
- 95 Team Entwicklung & Kompensation
- 87 SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.
- 75 На Западе Москвы
- 43 Blue Moon Diamond
- 30 Yerevan Chess Federation & Friends
- 30 SC Turm Illingen
- 27 ChessScout.Info Team
The team who scored (per time control) the most points in a battle:
- time control: 3 0: the best score was 977 points by team SergeyVoronChess NEW in the battle on 2023-08-27
- time control: 3 2: the best score was 639 points by team The House Discord Server in the battle on 2023-08-20
- time control: 5 0: the best score was 663 points by team Latin United Club II in the battle on 2023-01-15
User stats
A total of 17916 different users played in the Bundesliga 1 competition in 2023.
The top 25 of users who participated the most:
- 104 TheFinnisher (The House Discord Server)
- 104 Serg_01 (Торпедо Москва)
- 100 IM Black_Winter_Day (Торпедо Москва)
- 97 torps1924 (Торпедо Москва)
- 96 loykozobar (Торпедо Москва)
- 95 Betli (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 94 IM wateenellende (The House Discord Server)
- 92 madeinKZ-1991 (Dark Horse)
- 90 satunnainen (The House Discord Server)
- 89 VladimirKruglikov (Торпедо Москва)
- 89 MiasnikovOleg (Торпедо Москва)
- 87 Beukersforrest (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 85 laurens97 (Dark Horse)
- 84 lyxxj (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 82 Zahar_Zaviriuha (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 82 gaborszogi (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 82 Cri11cio (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 82 Cassius5171 (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 80 IM VadimCernov (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 79 MrAlexGuit (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 79 Maverick-Maverick (Торпедо Москва)
- 79 goujonan (The House Discord Server)
- 79 D_Ivanov (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 78 OCAIM (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 77 edgemen (Торпедо Москва)
The top 25 of users who reached the leaderboard of their team the most:
- 104 Serg_01 (Торпедо Москва)
- 99 TheFinnisher (The House Discord Server)
- 94 loykozobar (Торпедо Москва)
- 90 IM wateenellende (The House Discord Server)
- 90 satunnainen (The House Discord Server)
- 86 IM Black_Winter_Day (Торпедо Москва)
- 84 lyxxj (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 81 VladimirKruglikov (Торпедо Москва)
- 79 IM VadimCernov (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 79 laurens97 (Dark Horse)
- 75 FM UnknownSuperGM (Dark Horse)
- 75 IM Odnoobraz (На Западе Москвы)
- 74 OCAIM (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 73 tieckl (На Западе Москвы)
- 68 olympdegouges (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 65 Mimancs (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 63 NovichokFromRussian (На Западе Москвы)
- 63 MiasnikovOleg (Торпедо Москва)
- 63 IM Lavrik87 (Торпедо Москва)
- 63 KIS_BAGOLY (Team Entwicklung & Kompensation)
- 63 edgemen (Торпедо Москва)
- 60 FM Udar59 (На Западе Москвы)
- 59 SharkieCroc (Account has been closed) (Dark Horse)
- 58 all_the_same (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
- 57 Korum65 (SK 1962 Ladenburg e.V.)
The player who scored (per time control) the most points in a battle:
- time control: 3 0: the best score was 142 points by GM neslraCsungaM77 of team SergeyVoronChess NEW in the battle on 2023-08-27
- time control: 3 2: the best score was 107 points by IM wateenellende of team The House Discord Server in the battle on 2023-08-20
- time control: 5 0: the best score was 103 points by satunnainen of team The House Discord Server in the battle on 2023-11-05
Notable GM/IM losses
The Bundesliga competiton gives a nice opportunity to play against GM/IM's. Usually they will beat you but sometimes, sometimes they make a big mistake or you are able to surprise them and score a victory!
These are the losses by a GM/IM with white against an opponent which has 600 rating points less
- GM Pon4ik2006(2891) - RuslanGabitov(1961) 0-1
- GM Pap-G(2764) - ChunduchVan(1934) 0-1
- GM Mitrabha(2748) - BatMihalev(2102) 0-1
- GM Nizi3(2697) - XACHIK11072009(2083) 0-1
- GM MiroMiljkovic(2595) - ANASBARAKA1(1858) 0-1
- GM BogdanLalic(2559) - Karen1972-Stepanyan(1869) 0-1
- GM BlunderPandaZz(2531) - rishabchess22(1897) 0-1
- IM wateenellende(2752) - Gubur(2131) 0-1
- IM wateenellende(2751) - egor19862020(2150) 0-1
- IM AlexTriapishko(2741) - ErnestoRondon1(2114) 0-1
- IM wateenellende(2716) - isfcp(1944) 0-1
- IM Aronyak1(2684) - MarianoLastra5B(1537) 0-1
- IM wateenellende(2682) - petescherz(2006) 0-1
- IM Aronyak1(2681) - Zhid_Moiseevich(1870) 0-1
- IM kuhhcft(2673) - ZHAKOchess(1196) 0-1
- IM Niksss2023(2668) - Vedant_sharma1234(1459) 0-1
- IM wateenellende(2656) - artur_valiullin(1890) 0-1
- IM RL12(2648) - tnkovalchuk(1824) 0-1
- IM Shukh_Nikolay(2620) - janmskak64(1858) 0-1
- IM SilentAndCalm(2611) - robertbernales(1985) 0-1
- IM RL12(2594) - norOwGlyk(1968) 0-1
- IM tapu21(2573) - PhumlaniLukhele(1342) 0-1
- IM Odnoobraz(2568) - DaChessPlayerr(1781) 0-1
- IM Odnoobraz(2567) - RumijaBarCG21(1914) 0-1
- IM Shukh_Nikolay(2563) - Vityanamajunas0000(1771) 0-1
- IM Tello71(2547) - JeromeGambit-Jonas(1862) 0-1
- IM ValeriyGrinev(2537) - Benjamin_Benoni(1690) 0-1
- IM korbul(2535) - xxRudi555(1724) 0-1
- IM WesleySoFTW(2532) - juliotiburon(1905) 0-1
- IM SharkieCroc(2526) - daniildcp(1564) 0-1
- IM Fighter89(2512) - AnnaTheGreat(1770) 0-1
- IM Black_Winter_Day(2509) - AntonBear(1686) 0-1
- IM Black_Winter_Day(2507) - shanti93(1858) 0-1
- IM TimIlyin(2504) - Tired_artist(1433) 0-1
- IM xasid(2482) - DobrynyaMistrekov(1712) 0-1
- IM dragan961(2406) - Hesse06(1671) 0-1
- IM MihaiG(2396) - Shuper1984(1655) 0-1
- IM MKlenburg(2393) - eig4on(1493) 0-1
- IM Dangor(2345) - josemari1(1683) 0-1
- IM Oburg007(2342) - PepeilloFA(1620) 0-1
- IM Lavrik87(2328) - ex0008(1489) 0-1
These are the losses by a GM/IM with black against an opponent which has 600 rating points less
- Petottre(2167) - GM NeverEnough(2813) 1-0
- zyomaordubadsky(2087) - GM neslraCsungaM77(2804) 1-0
- falling_loww(1586) - GM DmitryKryakvin(2708) 1-0
- J2oo5(2035) - GM Pap-G(2664) 1-0
- JanekM2009(1979) - GM BlunderPandaZz(2656) 1-0
- OneHourAccountt(2000) - GM Mitrabha(2654) 1-0
- AlinAgent(2012) - GM DmitryKryakvin(2638) 1-0
- BULLET_OF_GOD(1910) - GM DmitryKryakvin(2629) 1-0
- glennzenarosa(1986) - GM killer840(2601) 1-0
- Lakaspara-equipa(1847) - GM ledinavelosipede(2498) 1-0
- Messi10numara(1740) - GM ledinavelosipede(2478) 1-0
- TacticalBrilliancy(2227) - IM AngelitoRT(2859) 1-0
- sureshtanneru(2084) - IM Batko2003(2830) 1-0
- BullShark2006(1993) - IM samisahi(2771) 1-0
- Artur198119811981(2062) - IM Niksss2023(2763) 1-0
- FM Gambit75(2042) - IM wateenellende(2748) 1-0
- MrChess15(2082) - IM Zubrrr(2738) 1-0
- okba_chek(1829) - IM wateenellende(2733) 1-0
- red_face_palm(2100) - IM Kirill_Klyukin(2731) 1-0
- prochenko(2112) - IM Aronyak1(2726) 1-0
- Noga_van_Gogha(2048) - IM wateenellende(2723) 1-0
- TimErich(2096) - IM wateenellende(2723) 1-0
- Snigl(2104) - IM Kirill_Klyukin(2720) 1-0
- zastava_101(2060) - IM itsNiclox(2681) 1-0
- Ahmet_Balkan(1551) - IM yanekirillshubin(2669) 1-0
- Prodent100(1930) - IM Ellaijio(2656) 1-0
- AllesMag2021(2022) - IM wateenellende(2642) 1-0
- Solyi(1990) - IM Arad_Nazari(2641) 1-0
- RacingCat(1995) - IM liordis31(2625) 1-0
- dimm555(1920) - IM yoseph2013(2607) 1-0
- Rizev(1858) - IM Odnoobraz(2604) 1-0
- ishamray(1845) - IM Odnoobraz(2599) 1-0
- shravya_12(1797) - IM chessRoMania(2589) 1-0
- AM100NumBEr(1741) - IM Shukh_Nikolay(2562) 1-0
- IlPrincipe04(1885) - IM Odnoobraz(2542) 1-0
- Snake_jaguar(1800) - IM Vuk00(2527) 1-0
- BlaGro(1714) - IM Black_Winter_Day(2470) 1-0
- Mimisia(1563) - IM Black_Winter_Day(2464) 1-0
- miyavkedi56(1231) - IM korbul(2462) 1-0
- madeinKZ-1991(1699) - IM Black_Winter_Day(2438) 1-0
- dantes2008(1794) - IM Lavrik87(2437) 1-0
- JeromeGambit-Jonas(1783) - IM IMcoach(2435) 1-0
- rishab1999(1752) - IM Lavrik87(2428) 1-0
- romy85(1637) - IM Oburg007(2427) 1-0
- Unmarmuertodeemocion(1717) - IM Nohaypanduro(2419) 1-0
- ItIsArad(1305) - IM mariokar(2415) 1-0
- C3C0C0C5(1796) - IM Klimenko_Sergey_IM(2410) 1-0
- FedorKulikov(1603) - IM Dangor(2298) 1-0
Links for all the Bundesliga 1 matches in 2023
2023-01-01 (time control: 3 2)
2023-01-05 (time control: 5 0)
2023-01-08 (time control: 3 0)
2023-01-12 (time control: 3 2)
2023-01-15 (time control: 5 0)
2023-01-19 (time control: 3 0)
2023-01-22 (time control: 3 2)
2023-01-26 (time control: 5 0)
2023-01-29 (time control: 3 0)
2023-02-02 (time control: 3 2)
2023-02-05 (time control: 5 0)
2023-02-09 (time control: 3 0)
2023-02-12 (time control: 3 2)
2023-02-16 (time control: 5 0)
2023-02-19 (time control: 3 0)
2023-02-23 (time control: 3 2)
2023-02-26 (time control: 5 0)
2023-03-02 (time control: 3 0)
2023-03-05 (time control: 3 2)
2023-03-09 (time control: 5 0)
2023-03-12 (time control: 3 0)
2023-03-16 (time control: 3 2)
2023-03-19 (time control: 5 0)
2023-03-23 (time control: 3 0)
2023-03-26 (time control: 3 2)
2023-03-30 (time control: 5 0)
2023-04-02 (time control: 3 0)
2023-04-06 (time control: 3 2)
2023-04-09 (time control: 5 0)
2023-04-13 (time control: 3 0)
2023-04-16 (time control: 3 2)
2023-04-20 (time control: 5 0)
2023-04-23 (time control: 3 0)
2023-04-27 (time control: 3 2)
2023-04-30 (time control: 5 0)
2023-05-04 (time control: 3 0)
2023-05-07 (time control: 3 2)
2023-05-11 (time control: 5 0)
2023-05-14 (time control: 3 0)
2023-05-18 (time control: 3 2)
2023-05-21 (time control: 5 0)
2023-05-25 (time control: 3 0)
2023-05-28 (time control: 3 2)
2023-06-01 (time control: 5 0)
2023-06-04 (time control: 3 0)
2023-06-08 (time control: 3 2)
2023-06-11 (time control: 5 0)
2023-06-15 (time control: 3 0)
2023-06-18 (time control: 3 2)
2023-06-22 (time control: 5 0)
2023-06-25 (time control: 3 0)
2023-06-29 (time control: 3 2)
2023-07-02 (time control: 5 0)
2023-07-06 (time control: 3 0)
2023-07-09 (time control: 3 2)
2023-07-13 (time control: 5 0)
2023-07-16 (time control: 3 0)
2023-07-20 (time control: 3 2)
2023-07-23 (time control: 5 0)
2023-07-27 (time control: 3 0)
2023-07-30 (time control: 3 2)
2023-08-03 (time control: 5 0)
2023-08-06 (time control: 3 0)
2023-08-10 (time control: 3 2)
2023-08-13 (time control: 5 0)
2023-08-17 (time control: 3 0)
2023-08-20 (time control: 3 2)
2023-08-24 (time control: 5 0)
2023-08-27 (time control: 3 0)
2023-08-31 (time control: 3 2)
2023-09-03 (time control: 5 0)
2023-09-07 (time control: 3 0)
2023-09-10 (time control: 3 2)
2023-09-14 (time control: 5 0)
2023-09-17 (time control: 3 0)
2023-09-21 (time control: 3 2)
2023-09-24 (time control: 5 0)
2023-09-28 (time control: 3 0)
2023-10-01 (time control: 3 2)
2023-10-05 (time control: 5 0)
2023-10-08 (time control: 3 0)
2023-10-12 (time control: 3 2)
2023-10-15 (time control: 5 0)
2023-10-19 (time control: 3 0)
2023-10-22 (time control: 3 2)
2023-10-26 (time control: 5 0)
2023-10-29 (time control: 3 0)
2023-11-02 (time control: 3 2)
2023-11-05 (time control: 5 0)
2023-11-09 (time control: 3 0)
2023-11-12 (time control: 3 2)
2023-11-16 (time control: 5 0)
2023-11-19 (time control: 3 0)
2023-11-23 (time control: 3 2)
2023-11-26 (time control: 5 0)
2023-11-30 (time control: 3 0)
2023-12-03 (time control: 3 2)
2023-12-07 (time control: 5 0)
2023-12-10 (time control: 3 0)
2023-12-14 (time control: 3 2)
2023-12-17 (time control: 5 0)
2023-12-21 (time control: 3 0)
2023-12-24 (time control: 3 2)
2023-12-28 (time control: 5 0)
2023-12-31 (time control: 3 0)
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