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FIDE rating: 2333

Member since Apr 22, 2022
Time spent playing: 2 days, 19 hours
Time featured on TV: 5 hours, 12 minutes
TeamsElite Chess Players' Union
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Ajedrez Sonora 2020ArazAsociación Peruana de AjedrezAssociação de Xadrez da Cidade de MaputoандрейBahrain( تیم متحد استان ک و ب (رده سنی و بزرگسالانCazoo Team :)CIRCA PASIG CHESS CLUBCLUB GAMBITO LATINOEQUIPO DE AJEDREZ BOLIVAR PRIMEROFuturos GMGolden planetGRAND MASTER'S CLUBHomeOfChess AcademyHorde World Championship
King of the Hill World ChampionshipLiga de Ajedrez de TrujilloLockdownchessMy e-book on KOTHPCC PraktisanPchelkinVK TeamRokirovkaTEAM BRAZIL CHESS - EQUIPE BRASIL DE XADREZTeam Perú 2.0TeamAlpha_00TECNOLÓGICO DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES DE ECATEPECThe Fastest Chess Players*The Knights of the Chess Round*The Pawn_Street_Blues Music PlaylistTorneo InternacionalesTORNEOS ICA
Unity Grand Prize - May 24th, 2020

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Played 21 Bullet games23001
Played 12 Chess960 games195133
Played 5 King of the Hill games186524
Started following 1 player
Played 22 Bullet games23012
Played 12 King of the Hill games1889105
Played 1 Racing Kings game151589
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Played 39 Chess960 games191897
Played 5 Crazyhouse games189449
Played 1 King of the Hill game199420
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Played 3 King of the Hill games19743