Solved 23 training puzzles211646
No note yet
Norppa shakkikerho
FIDE rating: 2107
Imatra FinlandMember since 11 Jul 2019
Time spent playing: 26 days, 21 hours
Time featured on TV: 44 minutes
Played 7 Bullet games18806
Solved 32 training puzzles207023
Played 5 Rapid games212522
Played 3 Blitz games
Hosted 1 simultaneous exhibition
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #254 (top 15%) with 4 games in Daily Rapid Arena
Solved 13 training puzzles204716
Played 4 Bullet games187413
Solved 15 training puzzles206337
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 6 Blitz games200512
Played 2 Bullet games188713
Hosted 1 simultaneous exhibition
Solved 19 training puzzles202630
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 11 Bullet games
Played 1 Blitz game
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1 (top 7%) with 6 games in nimven Arena
Solved 13 training puzzles199689
Played 7 Blitz games
Hosted 2 simultaneous exhibitions
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1 (top 20%) with 1 game in nimven Arena
Solved 53 training puzzles208590
Played 5 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 30 Blitz games19932
Played 6 Bullet games19001
Played 1 Rapid game214710
Hosted 5 simultaneous exhibitions