Solved 1 training puzzle261112
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Yujing Ong
Chess InsightsAnalytics from newbielearnersg's gamesA chess enthusiast, not only interested in the skills to play, but also in FIDE laws of chess, chess etiquette etc. A big fan of Jeon So Min (전소민 | 全昭旻).
It was too fun playacting as a jerk online - something I can never experience in real life. I apologise for sounding like a jerk in the chats (that's purely my alter online persona).
FIDE rating: 1654
SingaporeMember since 27 Mar 2020
Time spent playing: 32 days, 10 hours
Solved 3 training puzzles25998
Solved 7 training puzzles25913
Solved 11 training puzzles25945
Solved 7 training puzzles258915
Solved 1 training puzzle257411
Solved 1 training puzzle256311