
Nakamura Wins CCC and NACCL Qualifier, One Spot Still up for Grabs

One more qualifier left on October 1st

GM Hikaru Nakamura was the last man standing on Sunday after defeating GM Sam Sevian in the Semifinals and GM Andrey Esipenko in the finals of the Charlotte Chess Center & NACCL qualifier. He wins a spot in the Fischer Random World Championship in Reykjavik on October 25–⁠30th. IM Eric Rosen gave live commentary of the event. All games can be found here.


There is one more qualification spot in that event to award, and we’ll be doing it on October 1st in the Offerspill Qualifier at 11:00 UTC. GMs Anish Giri, Georg Meier, Nodirbek Abdusattorov, and Nijat Abasov are the remaining contenders.


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