Played 15 Blitz games195018
No note yet
Member since 20 Oct 2019
Time spent playing: 92 days, 18 hours
Time featured on TV: 23 minutes
Teams• Chess Academy Community •بطولة هربال الشيخ 2023بطولة الراحل هربال الشيخ 2021اصدقاء الشطرنج العربيتلمت الأحبابقناة كاسباروف العربقناة د محمد نوفل للشطرنجشطرنج العربقناة كل ما يخص الشطرنجalexandria chessAmar Team OfficialArab World TeamA.S.S Chess ClubBoard in fireChess Magazine OfficialChess Online 111Chess4U_tvchessarab.comChesskidsRUشطرنج العربقناة كش ملك الخطيبELHilalyنجوم وعظماء الشطرنجJawarneh gamingJaza Gaming Teamبطولة الراحل هربال الشيخ ٢٠٢٢ المرحلة ٢Joe Chess Gaming FriendsK2N_chessLibya Chess Competition TeamLichess SwissMILLENNIUMفريق الجزيرة السورية للبطولات الفرديةمنشية ناصرفرسان الكوماندوزsudanese chess plyersالشطرنج العربيTaiz Stars ChessThe Arab TeamThe golden knightالنادي العربي للشطرنج (كلاسيك)ابطال نجوم الشطرنج
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #148 (top 32%) with 7 games in Winter champions 1 Team Battle
Ranked #13 (top 44%) with 3 games in No mercy Arena
Ranked #23 (top 51%) with 5 games in ملتقى الاصدقاء اسامة الجمل Arena
Played 21 Blitz games19688
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #182 (top 27%) with 9 games in World day festival 20 Friday Team Battle
Ranked #19 (top 33%) with 9 games in ملتقى الاصدقاء الكابتن ElSaher Arena
Ranked #258 (top 62%) with 3 games in World night festival 20 Friday Team Battle
Played 24 Blitz games19765
Competed in 4 Arena tournaments
Ranked #47 (top 41%) with 7 games in Lichess Liga 5A Team Battle
Ranked #325 (top 42%) with 9 games in World day festival 19 Thursday Team Battle
Ranked #26 (top 60%) with 3 games in شاي الصباح Arena
Ranked #45 (top 65%) with 5 games in ملتقى الأصدقاء عمرو الدرويش Arena
Played 30 Blitz games19814
Competed in 4 Arena tournaments
Ranked #115 (top 24%) with 12 games in World night festival 18 Wednes Team Battle
Ranked #16 (top 30%) with 10 games in ملتقى الاصدقاء أيمن المحاميد Arena
Ranked #19 (top 54%) with 4 games in No mercy Arena
Ranked #565 (top 77%) with 4 games in World day festival 18 Wednesda Team Battle
Played 35 Blitz games19855
Competed in 5 Arena tournaments
Ranked #61 (top 8%) with 23 games in World day festival 17 Tuesday Team Battle
Ranked #30 (top 60%) with 4 games in شاي الصباح - Morning Tea Arena
Ranked #42 (top 68%) with 5 games in ملتقى الاصدقاء جمال فياض Arena
Ranked #35 (top 77%) with 1 game in Libya-chess-competition-team Arena
Ranked #119 (top 91%) with 2 games in Champions league Team Battle
Played 36 Blitz games19808
Competed in 4 Arena tournaments
Ranked #10 (top 23%) with 5 games in No mercy Arena
Ranked #178 (top 26%) with 14 games in World day festival 16 Monday Team Battle
Ranked #125 (top 30%) with 8 games in World night festival 16 Monday Team Battle
Ranked #26 (top 35%) with 9 games in ملتقى أكرم شرف الدين Arena
Played 23 Blitz games19724
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #18 (top 37%) with 9 games in ملتقى الاصدقاء habbechi Arena
Ranked #64 (top 59%) with 12 games in Lichess Liga 5A Team Battle
Ranked #538 (top 72%) with 2 games in World day festival 15 Sunday Team Battle