Played 13 Blitz games184810
No note yet
Member since 3 Apr 2018
Time spent playing: 187 days, 1 hour
Time featured on TV: 7 minutes
Teams1ª LIGA AMADORA DE XADREZ LOBATO JOANESAmigos_do_XadrezBRAZIL TEAM - 'FBX'Clube de Xadrez de Venda NovaClube de Xadrez Na Estrada RealCLUBE DE XADREZ ROQUE MAIOR DO TAPAJÓS - BRASILClube Maria LuizaCrestbook Chess ClubCTX On-LineCXSSPEspaço CaíssaFEDERAÇÃO RONDONIENSE DE XADREZFMX-OnlineFundação Brasileira de Xadrez - 'FBX'GNT - MastersLíder BrasilLRX Grande BHnlxadrezSALENTCHESSTORNEIO DE CANDIDATOS ONLINE 2020Torneio Xadrez SolidárioTorneio_Projeto Xadrez na TelaTrio Fantastico and friends!XADREZ AOS SABADOSXadrez BASPXadrez entre amigos BRXadrez HojeXadrez Minas Gerais OficialXadrez Santa LuziaXPGA ACADEMIA DE XADREZ
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #21 (top 28%) with 12 games in iTABERABÃO Canal CHESSVEJA Arena
Played 11 Blitz games183815
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #235 (top 42%) with 8 games in World day festival 8 Wednesday Team Battle
Ranked #14 (top 70%) with 3 games in 1235º SLT JUDIT POLGÁR 8ªRod Arena
Played 20 Blitz games182325
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #30 (top 52%) with 8 games in 1487º TRENZINHO DAS ONZE Arena
Ranked #40 (top 55%) with 9 games in iTABERABÃO Canal Andreavb Arena
Ranked #483 (top 79%) with 3 games in World day festival 7 Tuesday Team Battle
Played 18 Blitz games18481
Competed in 4 Arena tournaments
Ranked #13 (top 21%) with 10 games in 1486º TRENZINHO DAS ONZE Arena
Ranked #17 (top 56%) with 3 games in 1233º SLT JUDIT POLGÁR 6ªRod Arena
Ranked #298 (top 61%) with 1 game in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #474 (top 75%) with 3 games in World day festival 6 Monday Team Battle
Played 101 Blitz games184751
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #10 (top 13%) with 87 games in MARATONA AMIGA1249CIBRAU05.01 Team Battle
Ranked #232 (top 36%) with 10 games in World day festival 5 Sunday Team Battle
Ranked #30 (top 61%) with 4 games in iTABERABÃO Saturday Arena
Played 2 Blitz games179611
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #662 (top 98%) with 2 games in Winter champions 3 Team Battle
Played 14 Blitz games180725
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #17 (top 26%) with 12 games in iTABERABÃO 1º JANEIRO Arena
Ranked #248 (top 64%) with 2 games in ≤2000 SuperBlitz Arena