Completed 1 Crazyhouse correspondence game1 win
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Firdevs Ece Tağıl
Satranç zeka oyunudur, herkes oynayamaz.
FIDE rating: 1092
Member since Apr 3, 2020
Time spent playing: 2 days, 12 hours
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Played 7 Bullet games617238
Completed 1 Chess960 correspondence game1 win
Played 74 moves in 5 correspondence games
Completed 1 Chess960 correspondence game1 win
Completed 1 King of the Hill correspondence game1 win
Completed 1 Antichess correspondence game1 win
Completed 1 Racing Kings correspondence game1 win
Played 11 Bullet games85519
Solved 1 tactical puzzle
Solved 45 tactical puzzles156442