Played 6 Blitz games228416
No note yet
Member since Apr 21, 2017
Time spent playing: 52 days 23 hours 38 minutes
Time on TV: 3 hours 19 minutes
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #539 (top 26%) with 6 games in Streamers Battle September '24
Played 6 Bullet games23071
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #58 (top 17%) with 5 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Solved 2 tactical puzzles217410
Played 30 Bullet games230632
Competed in 4 tournaments
Ranked #10 (top 3%) with 10 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #30 (top 9%) with 11 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #58 (top 19%) with 7 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #145 (top 53%) with 2 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Solved 3 tactical puzzles218415
Played 12 Bullet games23388
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #47 (top 13%) with 10 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 29 Bullet games234618
Competed in 3 tournaments
Ranked #4 (top 1%) with 13 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #12 (top 3%) with 13 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #134 (top 46%) with 2 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 19 Bullet games232814
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #31 (top 9%) with 12 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #32 (top 10%) with 6 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 23 Bullet games234212
Competed in 3 tournaments
Ranked #10 (top 2%) with 8 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #35 (top 12%) with 6 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #55 (top 16%) with 7 games in Hourly Bullet Arena