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Daniel Bertaccini
FIDE rating: 2069
Buenos Aires
Member since 27 Apr 2017
Time spent playing: 6 days, 7 hours
Gained 1 new follower
Played 1 Blitz game234119
Practised 16 positions on The Fork
Practised 11 positions on Key Squares
Practised 10 positions on Overloaded Pieces
Practised 10 positions on Attraction
Practised 10 positions on Deflection
Practised 10 positions on Underpromotion
Practised 8 positions on Discovered Attacks
Practised 8 positions on Opposition
Practised 8 positions on The Skewer
Practised 7 positions on Interference
Practised 6 positions on Double Check
Practised 5 positions on Counter Check
Practised 5 positions on Clearance
Practised 5 positions on Desperado
Practised 5 positions on Undermining
Practised 4 positions on Zugzwang
Practised 2 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
Practised 2 positions on Piece Checkmates II
Practised 1 position on Piece Checkmates I
Practised 1 position on Zwischenzug
Practised 10 positions on Overloaded Pieces
Practised 10 positions on Attraction
Practised 10 positions on Deflection
Practised 10 positions on Underpromotion
Practised 8 positions on Discovered Attacks
Practised 8 positions on Opposition
Practised 8 positions on The Skewer
Practised 7 positions on Interference
Practised 6 positions on Double Check
Practised 5 positions on Counter Check
Practised 5 positions on Clearance
Practised 5 positions on Desperado
Practised 5 positions on Undermining
Practised 4 positions on Zugzwang
Practised 2 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
Practised 2 positions on Piece Checkmates II
Practised 1 position on Piece Checkmates I
Practised 1 position on Zwischenzug
Played 5 Blitz games23228
Played 3 Blitz games231450