Played 3 Bullet games202119
No note yet
je suis le roi des pirates et le roi des echecs jai eu le one piece
Member since 22 Mar 2023
Time spent playing: 4 days, 17 hours
Time featured on TV: 10 minutes
Played 4 Blitz games
Played 1 Bullet game20024
Started following 1 player
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #371 (top 86%) with 1 game in Daily HyperBullet Arena
Solved 1 training puzzle
Played 10 Bullet games200619
Played 3 Blitz games183225
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #34 (top 22%) with 10 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Ranked #2410 (top 62%) with 3 games in Weekly SuperBlitz Arena
Solved 2 training puzzles212497
Played 1 Bullet game198710
Solved 4 training puzzles222163