Played 6 Blitz games220810
No note yet
Member since 21 Apr 2023
Time spent playing: 23 days, 18 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 hour, 43 minutes
Played 1 Horde game142021
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #464 (top 20%) with 3 games in Daily Blitz Arena
Ranked #40 (top 61%) with 1 game in Hourly Horde Arena
Solved 4 training puzzles252250
Played 8 Crazyhouse games17005
Played 6 Blitz games219810
Played 2 Horde games144159
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #36 (top 8%) with 6 games in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #19 (top 33%) with 6 games in Hourly Crazyhouse Arena
Ranked #16 (top 47%) with 2 games in Hourly Horde Arena
Solved 2 training puzzles247219
Played 11 Blitz games22083
Played 3 Crazyhouse games1695195
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #48 (top 42%) with 3 games in Hourly Crazyhouse Arena
Solved 2 training puzzles249118
Played 8 Blitz games221135
Solved 3 training puzzles250932
Played 10 Blitz games21768
Solved 1 training puzzle24772
Played 5 Blitz games21681
Played 2 Bullet games215211
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1101 (top 26%) with 5 games in Weekly SuperBlitz Arena
Solved 1 training puzzle24754
Played 10 Bullet games216323
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1272 (top 61%) with 4 games in Weekly Bullet Arena