Played 7 Blitz games209017
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Abilawa Dewa
Semarang Jawa tengah Indonesia
Member since Jan 27, 2018
Time spent playing: 141 days, 3 hours
Time featured on TV: 56 minutes
Teams• Chess Academy Community •بطولة نجوم الشطرنجATLET SULTRA INDONESIABKD GerandongChessunblockedDIVISI 3 Liga KCI Babak 1DOKTER SKAK CHANELHBD CSIIM YOSEPH AND FRIENDSIndian Chess OrganisationJATENG SPARRINGJoshua and friendKalong Tempur CCKCI GEMPOL BERSATUKELUARGA CATUR INDONESIAKELUARGA PECINTA CATURKomunitas Catur Online Indonesia - EventKomunitas Catur Tabalong OnlineKTLC - Kalong Tempur Lintas ClubNACONI IndonesianNationalOnlineOPEN TURNAMEN PION BERMAHKOTAOPG NETT CLUB OPENP3CI - INTERNATIONAL Online Chess Tournament - Seri-37P3CI - KSK Insurance Indonesia - Seri-24P3CI - KSK Insurance Indonesia - Seri-25P3CI - KSK Insurance Indonesia - Seri-35Percasi Kota SemarangRonaldo Playing ChessROOM HBD CLAUDIO LASAMASC Lover'sSiliguri BlitzSJC INDONESIASragentina Chess ClubSUKOHARJO ChessTCN SilaturahmiTIM NASIONAL CATUR ONLINE INDONESIATIM PERCASI KOTA SEMARANGTim Solidaritas Catur Emas Nusantara
Played 6 Blitz games20735
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
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Competed in 1 Arena tournament
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