Played 15 King of the Hill games188822
No note yet
Alexander Kai
Punishing Berserkers 😒
FIDE rating: 1450
Entebbe UgandaMember since 28 Jul 2019
Time spent playing: 56 days, 9 hours
Time featured on TV: 23 hours, 2 minutes
Played 5 Bullet games20256
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1 (top 1%) with 14 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Played 18 King of the Hill games186615
Played 2 Three-check games164731
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #4 (top 4%) with 13 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Ranked #25 (top 27%) with 5 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Ranked #17 (top 48%) with 2 games in Hourly Three-check Arena
Played 5 King of the Hill games185124
Played 2 Bullet games201914
Played 1 Antichess game16223
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #34 (top 61%) with 3 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Ranked #52 (top 74%) with 2 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Ranked #109 (top 83%) with 1 game in Hourly Antichess Arena
Played 3 Blitz games189315
Played 1 Crazyhouse game16923
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #34 (top 55%) with 1 game in Hourly Crazyhouse Arena
Ranked #444 (top 55%) with 1 game in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #1216 (top 97%) with 2 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Played 16 King of the Hill games18756
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #1 (top 1%) with 15 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Played 10 Blitz games19081
Played 6 King of the Hill games186919
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #18 (top 31%) with 6 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Ranked #29 (top 36%) with 10 games in HBD SHAKURU Arena
Played 5 Bullet games203310