Chess player desperate to find a move

Training your chess with the Move Assistant feature in "LiChess Tools"

ChessAnalysisOpeningChess engine
Using the computer engine for good

How many times did you find yourself analyzing a position and getting nowhere? Stockfish gives you 3 or 4 or 5 moves that all have similar evaluations and none of them are the move that YOU want to play. Would it really be that bad if you'd play it?

Your only recourse is to make the move and see what happens. If you have several candidate moves, you would have to repeat the process and then, depending on your goals, you'd need to delete the move you just made. "But wait, if the queen moving there leads to a fork, does that mean that I could have moved it somewhere else and it would have been a good idea?" You don't know.

Enter Move Assistant, one of the newest features of the LiChess Tools browser extension ( All you have to do is enable it by clicking the eye icon next to the computer evaluation and then select a piece that you want to move. Now the board shows a color evaluation of every possible move of that piece.


No longer a slave to the order in which Stockfish chooses to show the moves to you and the cold tyranny of decimals in evaluation, no more fretting that you didn't make "the best move". It's a simple semaphore: if it's green, it works!


Combine this with Explorer Practice ( and you will be able to test all your ideas against the entire Lichess game database.
