
Happy New Year from LiChess Tools !

ChessAnalysisOpeningChess engine
I've been sitting on this post for a long time because I was waiting for LiChess to publish some new changes that will make LiChess Tools ever greater!

Welcome to version 2.3.0 of LiChess Tools. It is a bump of the minor version because there are some breaking changes: the Move Colorizer theme has been removed and instead added as a feature of Highlight tool. Now it actually styles the right variations, with the right colors and more performantly.

It also coincides with... [taa daa]

1000 users of the extension, people! Prettier Lichess, here we come! :D

So I worked hard to fix a lot of bugs and add some new features for you all. Here is what you get new in v2.3.0:

Collapsible edit controls in Interactive Lessons
This allows to hide the large edit controls in Interactive Lesson studies that take so much space. So now you can work on your interactive studies just as comfortable as normal ones.

Slim arrows theme
Arrow shapes that are slimmer and (I think) look better than the default ones. Try them on!

Learn from your mistakes in Studies
Now you can have the same experience of Learn from your mistakes that you have for analyzed games in the studies for server analyzed chapters

Pinning studies and broadcasts on the main page
I just made it so you can pin any study to the main page in the spotlights area. In fact, what was requested was to pin broadcasts, but since they are studies under the hood, now you have both!

Last but not least... Stockfish 16 in Brave browser!
As you know the Lichess developers removed Stockfish 16 from the list of engines for the Brave browser because many users reported division by zero problems. But I had never had these problems, so I wanted SF16 back! So now, with LiChess Tools you can have the engine in the list once again. If you are one of the people with division by zero problems, you might want to not enable this.

I hope you will enjoy this holiday news and thank you for using LiChess Tools and being such great nice people!

P.S. Right now we are at 1234 users! Another funny number, I guess. I think the extension page just shows thousands after a certain value, but the internal stats page shows a more exact number. But we were at half the number just before Christmas! Thanks again!