GM Niclas Huschenbeth

Play the Smith-Morra Gambit like Niclas Huschenbeth

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Add LiChess Tools to your browser then enjoy playing the Smith-Morra like 2700+ GM Niclas Huschenbeth

Born in 1992, GM Niclas Huschenbeth was two times German national champion. Even a bunch of years ago he was doing YouTube videos about chess that I enjoyed tremendously, even if they were mostly in German and I barely understand the language.

In the following study, we follow him playing the Smith-Morra gambit against the Sicilian Defense, first 20 moves from 52 different games. Can you play like him? Can you do better? Will you be doing the same mistakes?

Note that you can only play all variations in this multi-line study by installing the LiChess Tools browser extension on your browser, otherwise you just play the same line over and over.

Study: Niclas Huschenbeth's Smith-Morra gambit: Play like Niclas
LiChess Tools: official extension page
