Play the Latvian Gambit like NM Nelson Lopez
I have to admit, the Latvian is a pet opening of mine from days long gone. It's basically refuted, but oh so fun!This next entry in the "Play like..." series is about ChessVibesYT, NM Nelson Lopez, also a chess YouTuber on the Chess Vibes channel.
The study in the next link will explore the first 25 moves of 70 of his games where he played the Latvian gambit. Be warned, only 56% of those he won. Will you make the same choices? Will you get a feel on how he plays? Will you get to those spectacular winning endings?
Personally, I think the Latvian is a ton of fun at lower levels of play as it is full of traps and pushes the game directly into sharp play. But Chess Vibes played them at 2200+ levels. This has to be instructional.
Note that the Interactive Lesson chapter from the study can only be played after installing the LiChess Tools browser extension, which allows playing all the variations, not only the main line. Enjoy!
Study: The Latvian gambit of NM Nelson Lopez
LiChess Tools: official extension page
P.S. With a browser like Kiwi you can install extensions on mobile, too.
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