Eyewitness drawing of Jerry's real face!

Play like Jerry ChessNetwork

ChessAnalysisOpeningChess PersonalitiesLichess
Exclusively on LiChess, the real face of Jerry (ChessNetwork) as drawn by eyewitness @StableDiffusion

Apparently very few people know what is the last name of Jerry (ChessNetwork) or how he looks, but hundreds of thousands of people enjoy his YouTube videos, careful analyses and kind voice. Well, here is a study of his Bird Opening games. Why the Bird Opening? Because the guy has over one hundred thousand games on lichess alone (!!!) and I had to choose something. No one can deny Jerry's absolute love for the game of chess.

The study: Play the Bird Dutch like ChessNetwork

As usual, you need the LiChess Tools browser extension to enjoy the experience of playing like ChessNetwork. Will you make the same moves? And then, will you win or lose?

If you want more "Play like..." studies, you can find them on my LiChess blog. If you want to make your own studies, whether to learn the game from the perspective of your favorite player or trying to train yourself to defeat your nemesis, it's very easy:

  1. install LiChess Tools
  2. download the player games that you are interested in
  3. select what you are interested in (maximum of 20 moves, specific variations, winning conditions, etc.)
  4. import all of the games at once in Analysis
  5. turn the analysis into a Study
  6. right click on any move in the move list and select "Evaluate terminating moves"
  7. when that is done, set the chapter to Interactive Mode
