Played 8 Blitz games
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Member since 21 Mar 2020
Time spent playing: 122 days, 5 hours
TeamsAlphaZero A0Amigos del Ajedrez AragonésArab World TeamAtChessBALÀFIA-ADEJOBenicarlóBLITZPARTYCatalunya OnlineCHESS FRIENDS ONLINEChess With Dinal and FriendsChess_lovers clubCírculo Ajedrez FlorestaClassic ClubClub Ajedrez MonzónCLUB D'ESCACS TARRAGONAClube Online Xadrez Brasília - DFDigichessالمسابقة اليومية ادكوEscacs MontblancEscola Militar Dom Pedro IIEUSKAL HERRIA - COMBINADO VASCO NAVARRO ON LINEFALCONF7 CLUBFestival Català Escacs Onlinegroup Chess iranI Online MasdenvergeJaza Gaming TeamKomunitas Catur Online Indonesia - EventLibya Chess Competition TeamLichess SwissLliga Catalana d’e-Sports 2024Lliga Catalana E-SportslollMaster Chess Academy - www.chess90.comMasteryClubMichael Rahal ChessOnline World Chess LoversOO7Rivazoe liga lichessSalauris clubSyeda Faiza Elite Chess ClubThe Zugzwang BlogTorredembarratournoi exeptionnelle
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #19 (top 36%) with 2 games in 16ª LIGA IBERA 2024-25 2D Team Battle
Ranked #39 (top 52%) with 4 games in Lichess Liga 9A Team Battle
Played 13 Blitz games205332
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #240 (top 36%) with 9 games in World day festival 30 Thursday Team Battle
Ranked #30 (top 63%) with 4 games in Lichess Liga 10C Team Battle
Played 3 Blitz games20859
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #407 (top 66%) with 3 games in World day festival 29 Wednesda Team Battle
Played 12 Blitz games20944
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #88 (top 26%) with 8 games in Colegas MARATHON 11 WINTER Team Battle
Ranked #237 (top 61%) with 4 games in World night festival 28 Tuesda Team Battle
Played 11 Blitz games209027
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #140 (top 25%) with 7 games in World day festival 27 Monday Team Battle
Ranked #169 (top 38%) with 4 games in World night festival 27 Monday Team Battle
Played 43 Blitz games206310
Competed in 5 Arena tournaments
Ranked #79 (top 14%) with 15 games in World day festival 26 Sunday Team Battle
Ranked #120 (top 26%) with 13 games in World night festival 26 Sunday Team Battle
Ranked #71 (top 43%) with 5 games in 15ª LIGA IBERA 2024-25 1D Team Battle
Ranked #38 (top 52%) with 8 games in Lichess Liga 10C Team Battle
Ranked #42 (top 63%) with 1 game in 15ª LIGA IBERA 2024-25 2D Team Battle
Played 21 Blitz games207312
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #94 (top 14%) with 21 games in Winter champions 6 Team Battle