Played 2 runs of Puzzle Storm
No note yet
ACM Oscar Fernando Palos Flores
Jugador de la selección del Instituto Tecnológico de Aguascalientes
FIDE-ID: 29629306
FIDE rating: 1512
Aguascalientes MexicoMember since 3 Apr 2019
Time spent playing: 4 days, 19 hours
Played 2 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played one run of Puzzle Streak
Played 3 runs of Puzzle Streak
Solved 1 training puzzle221337
Played 5 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 11 Classical games2024524
Played 1 Rapid game153324
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #329 (top 6%) with 11 games in Yearly Classical Arena
Played 1 Blitz game141410