Played 1 Blitz game153166
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Shemas Matwaro
I like to play chess... Chess was my best sport during schooling days...
Karoi Zimbabwe
Member since 29 Jun 2021
Time spent playing: 7 days, 16 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 minute
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Played 1 Blitz game159722
Played 1 Blitz game161915
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #216 (top 45%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Blitz Arena
Played 9 Blitz games160440
Played 1 Rapid game173312
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #484 (top 23%) with 9 games in Daily Blitz Arena
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #37 in Classical
Played 2 Rapid games17214
Played 1 Blitz game15646
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #244 (top 47%) with 2 games in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Ranked #526 (top 86%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Blitz Arena
Played 8 Blitz games157056
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #211 (top 55%) with 3 games in ≤1700 Blitz Arena
Ranked #152 (top 72%) with 3 games in ≤1700 SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #312 (top 89%) with 1 game in ≤1700 Blitz Arena
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #18 in Genius Chess open 2
Joined 1 team
Played 7 Blitz games162623
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #29 (top 8%) with 5 games in ≤1700 Blitz Arena
Ranked #322 (top 77%) with 1 game in ≤1700 Blitz Arena