Played 15 Bullet games163430
No note yet
Member since 30 Jun 2022
Time spent playing: 14 hours, 9 minutes
Time featured on TV: 2 minutes
Joined 1 team
Played 18 UltraBullet games15588
Played 15 Bullet games16045
Played 6 Three-check games1799299
Played 1 Rapid game135632
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #27 (top 29%) with 18 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Ranked #71 (top 73%) with 5 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Played 2 Bullet games159924
Played 7 Bullet games162318
Played 24 UltraBullet games155040
Played 13 Bullet games160515
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #65 (top 59%) with 9 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Played 40 UltraBullet games159090
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #44 (top 41%) with 13 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Played 1 Bullet game162013