Played 13 Bullet games259224
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Luca Onnis
vice-campione sardo assoluto 2017,
22 years chess player , tech lover...
tactical and aggressive player
elo fide: 1908 for now :)
FIDE rating: 1908
Sardegna, Cagliari ItalyMember since 2 Apr 2017
Time spent playing: 36 days, 21 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 day, 10 hours
Teams3+ World Championship5B liceo albertiagadmator's TeamAsd MoscaAsd Mosca - Random SchoolsChess blasters 2Circolo Scacchistico CagliaritanoFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusFY AkademiGruppo improvvisatoIM Eric Rosen Fan ClubItalia ScacchiLega Corsa di ScacchiLichess CrazyhouseLichess SwissLichess Three-checkPistoiascacchi - SCACCHI ITALIAScacchierandoSundays with Unity - June 7th, 2020Terzo ScaccoTorneo SvizzeroU20ItaliaUnity Grand Prize - 3rd may 2020Unity Grand Prize - April 19th 2020USS EnterpriseWONG KITO GALOZhigalko_Sergei & Friends
Played 14 Bullet games26165
Played 23 Bullet games261115
Played 5 Bullet games259015
Played 18 Bullet games26051
Played 8 Bullet games260411
Played 26 Bullet games259330