
Lichess Voice Recognition Beta

ChessLichessSoftware Development
We’re doing a public Beta for once!

Want to try a new Lichess feature before everybody else? Today is your lucky day! The Lichess Voice Recognition Beta is now available at This site looks almost exactly like the “real” lichess, but it isn’t. It's a test site that only exists to test voice recognition. You don’t need to make an account to start testing, just jump right in. If you can’t find a game at your desired time control you can always just play the computer or do puzzles. Note that unlike with some voice recognition software, your voice is processed in real-time as a stream, and never persisted or uploaded to a server in any form. In short, your voice will never leave your computer.

You can find the voice recognition feature on game and standard puzzle pages. (Not Puzzle Racer/Storm/Streak) Start with the help button near the top and to the right of the chessboard..

After you turn it on it will need a moment to load the feature, and your browser may ask for permission to use your microphone. Then you should be able to make moves by speaking them with standard chess notation, “Knight e4,” “Pawn c6,” etc. You can also use some other words like “undo” to take a move back or “continue” to go to the next puzzle.

After you try it out we want to know how well it worked. Please leave feedback here. If you’re interested in helping in the future please join our Beta-Testers team or testers group on discord.

Lichess is a charity and entirely free/libre open source software.
All operating costs, development, and content are funded solely by user donations.