Played 1 Blitz game133112
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Wajdan Younas
Hello! I am Wajdan and I am a chess player. My favorite opening is the Italian opening. I also run a YouTube channel with my bro. It is named Bros' Chess. Do check that out:

Member since 8 Jun 2020
Time spent playing: 10 days, 11 hours
Time featured on TV: 5 minutes
Social media linksYouTube
Teamsagadmator's TeamAitchison College Chess SocietyAtomic challengerChess Federation of Pakistanchess grand masterChess Masters of PakistanChess Talk TeamGM Mircica & FriendsHarry Potter Fan ClubIM Eric Rosen Fan ClubLichess Swiss
MSAP Virtual TournamentNaidichChessPak Chess ClubQuaglon's Taco Clubrapid casual🐉Rebel Monsters🐉The AnnhilatorsTrevoWalkersZone and Friends

Gained 1 new follower
Solved 1 training puzzle177319
Solved 1 training puzzle17927
Solved 4 training puzzles179917
Played 2 Rapid games127812
Solved 8 training puzzles181648
Played 2 Blitz games13432
Played 2 Rapid games12905
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #45 (top 97%) with 2 games in 1017 CCP Blitz Arena
Solved 12 training puzzles176844
Played 2 Rapid games