Played 7 Bullet games179526
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Karan Jayachandra
Hi, I'm Karan. I am an novice chess player looking to improve my skills. I usually play Rapid and Bullet. With Rapid, I take the time to learn how to while with Bullet, I get to play a game quickly during short breaks. John Bartholomew's videos on chess basics really helped improve my game. I like watching John and Eric Rosen play to help me understand the thought that goes into a good game.
Rotterdam Earth
Member since Nov 2, 2021
Time spent playing: 22 days, 4 hours
Played 28 Bullet games18206
Played 35 Bullet games182617
Played 11 Blitz games175124
Played 1 Bullet game18435
Played 5 Bullet games18385
Played 2 Blitz games177515
Played 8 Bullet games18339
Played 19 Bullet games18424