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Member since 22 Apr 2020
Time spent playing: 1 day, 18 hours
Time featured on TV: 18 minutes
Teams⚠️ Solo amigos!aguilas de truenoAjedrez Chingon
Ajedrez Escolar Santa Fe PrimariaAJEDREZ Y LOGISTICAAmigos de GokuAntichess 960
Antichess South America AND MexicoChristofer a la taque con mis conpañerosCLAUDIA AMURA ESCOLAR SFEClub de ajedrez ULP - San LuisClub El Tablazoel team ajedrecistaEmmanuel83teamEspaña
GM Wesley_soGRAN MAESTTROHackeando el tableroHERALDO CHESS - MONSEFÚIncaisa, Artesanía
Lichess en Español
Lichess_Masterlos amigos del mundoMaster AlejandroMejores jugadores del Ajedrez♟️♟️♟️Pearls of AzerbaijanPM Ajedrez RosarioQue nos acompañe el ajedrezRaicosta AntichessSanta Fe - Región 6º - primaria - Sur ASanta Fe - Región 6º - primaria - Sur Bsolo amigosSPIRITTeam

Played one run of Puzzle Storm
Played 9 Rapid games133218
Played 5 Blitz games113148
Gained 1 new followerStarted following 2 players
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #306 (top 53%) with 8 games in UN World Children's Day 2021 Team Battle
Ranked #219 (top 84%) with 5 games in UN World Children's Day Arena
Joined 1 team
Played 1 Classical game128032
Started following 2 players
Gained 1 new follower
Gained 1 new follower