Jorkkix • Tournament stats
The rank average is a percentage of your ranking. Lower is better.
For instance, being ranked 3 in a tournament of 100 players = 3%. Being ranked 10 in a tournament of 1000 players = 1%.
All averages on this page are medians.
Tournaments | Points average | Points sum | Rank average | |
Atomic | 2,346 | 10 | 34,744 | 33% |
Horde | 75 | 2 | 223 | 63% |
Blitz | 2,016 | 4 | 9,404 | 50% |
King of the Hill | 3,419 | 8 | 33,174 | 41% |
Racing Kings | 307 | 6 | 2,362 | 35% |
Chess960 | 122 | 2 | 404 | 58% |
Crazyhouse | 639 | 2 | 2,092 | 60% |
Three-check | 205 | 6 | 1,514 | 38% |
Classical | 183 | 3 | 684 | 45% |
Rapid | 1,044 | 4 | 4,183 | 43% |
Bullet | 4,768 | 4 | 26,912 | 59% |
Antichess | 92 | 1 | 173 | 73% |
UltraBullet | 720 | 6 | 7,739 | 54% |
Total | 15,936 | 5 | 123,608 | 49% |