Played 24 Blitz games188742
No note yet
Member since 30 Jan 2022
Time spent playing: 38 days, 8 hours
TeamsBKD CHESS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPcam timGa tau tim apaHBD Erdison SimangunsongHCN TEAM W.AHEREXS TEAMHOBBY CATUR NASIONAL ( H C N )Indonesian Chess FestivalJawara chess panturaKCC OPENKuda Hitam Chess Club KarawangLichess SwissLondok the teamMASTHANAIAH CHESS WORLDNuya Bali ChallengeOFFICIAL SKTRKCCNTT maju bersamaTEAM PCS SAKTITereliye chess clubTIM SWISS MASTER SKAKMAT MASTER CWJCWAG SLI 17Zhigalko_Sergei & Friends
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #390 (top 46%) with 4 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #180 (top 70%) with 20 games in Peresmian CHF Team Battle
Played 4 Bullet games186343
Played 96 Blitz games192924
Competed in 5 Arena tournaments
Ranked #6 (top 15%) with 6 games in von Popiel Arena
Ranked #36 (top 16%) with 40 games in 791st Indonesia Chess Festival Team Battle
Ranked #1533 (top 38%) with 4 games in Weekly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #27 (top 55%) with 4 games in Greco Arena
Ranked #39 (top 86%) with 2 games in Gipslis Arena
Played 19 Blitz games19053
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #9 (top 23%) with 11 games in Schulten Arena
Ranked #196 (top 43%) with 4 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Solved 12 training puzzles2165213
Played 9 Blitz games19022
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #9 (top 30%) with 7 games in Ponziani Arena
Ranked #14 (top 93%) with 2 games in Room Pagi Arena
Played 53 Blitz games19001
Played 10 Bullet games19061
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #11 (top 26%) with 9 games in Colle Arena
Ranked #17 (top 47%) with 13 games in AL Rachman.Amran Arena
Played 17 Blitz games189928
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #18 (top 16%) with 16 games in SANG DEWI Arena