Played 1 Bullet game16845
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Queenstown South Africa
Member since 3 Apr 2020
Time spent playing: 67 days, 23 hours
Teams2nd Tournament RoomArab-Africa Open Chess Championship 2021 / Preliminary StageCHCA ThinkersEastern Cape AdministratorsEastern Cape Girls/LadiesEastern Cape SeniorEC Chess OpenEC Chess Open U20EC Chess U16-U18EC Chess U8 - U14EC Inter Regions 2020EC Inter Regions 2020 (U14-U20)Joe Gqabi TeamLockdownchessLogicChessClub/Individual Chess leagu FamilyMthatha Varsity Chess ClubOfficial Eastern Cape ChessProvincial AdministratorsQueenstownSA Colleges ChessSarah Baartman district chess union 2023SBD chessSbdcu youth month A sectionSenior EC TeamSouth African Buffalo'sSouth Park Chess ClubTeam MasibuleleTeam Masibulele WSUTHE COPPERBELT CHESS LEAGUE ASSOCIATION(CCLA)WSU 2024WSU KomaniWSU TEAM
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #18 (top 90%) with 1 game in Africa Mid-day Bullet Arena
Played 1 Rapid game18489
Played 6 Blitz games18876
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #10 (top 52%) with 6 games in TEAM BATTLE 24 Team Battle
Played 10 Blitz games189321
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #7 (top 35%) with 10 games in TEAM BATTLE 23 Team Battle
Played 14 Blitz games191410
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #5 (top 21%) with 13 games in TEAM BATTLE 21 Team Battle
Joined 1 team
Played 16 Blitz games19043
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #5 (top 18%) with 16 games in TEAM BATTLE 20 Team Battle