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Training Game #20 with Turbo Eval
This is the 20th training game I have played against the computer with my thought process, Turbo Eval.Here is a link to my blog detailing my Turbo Eval thought process, for those interested.
It has finally happened! I managed to beat the 2600 computer. The game is below:
In the post game analysis, I had an accuracy of 96% with 5 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, and 0 blunders. This feels so good after the 30 or so games that I have played against it and lost. The game below is an example of a game that I have played and lost painfully against the computer:
In the game I just showed, I was worse, then fought my way back to equal, and then threw it away within three moves. in the game where I won however, I was able to keep a small edge for most of the opening and middlegame, but as the queens were being traded, the computer allowed me to take an extra rook with the queen trade, leading into an endgame where I was simply up a rook. I was unsurprisingly able to convert this slowly but surely. Below are some comments I had on the moves that I made:
On move 11, I played Ne2, with the intention of playing c3 or playing a3 and then c4. In my thoughts, I thought this to be a safe way to continue, but I didn't believe that it would be best. I'm pleasantly surprised that is was, in fact, the best move.
On move 28, the computer had just played the move Qe2, and I honestly thought that I was slightly worse in that position, but apparently it is dead even.
On move 30, the computer played the move that truly sealed the fate of the game. It played 30...Rd1+. It's the second best move, but the difference between Rd1+ and the best move of simply Bxf2 is a whopping 4.5! After Rd1+, I was quick to notice Qe1, blocking the check with my queen, and forcing some pieces off the board so that the endgame would be very easy.
That's about all I have for today. There are only 3 bots left to beat; the 2700 bot, the 2900 bot, and the dreaded 3200 bot.
If you are interested in the idea of training to fight against the computer, consider joining The Club of Believers. As I have been posting these games, more people have joined, which is absolutely amazing. The more likely it is that we will uncover new ways to fight back against the computers.
If you find this content interesting, consider giving my post a like so more people can read and enjoy.
Thank you for reading, and enjoy the rest of your day!
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