Haxdarix12Blitz stats
Rating: 2110.24. Haxdarix12 is better than 94.0% of Blitz players.
Progression over the last 12 games:
Total games | 707 | |
Rated games | 654 | 93% |
Tournament games | 276 | 39% |
Berserked games | 76 | 28% |
Time spent playing | 2 days, 4 hours |
Average opponent | 1634.64 | |
Victories | ||
Draws | 38 | 5% |
Defeats | ||
Disconnections | 16 | 2% |
Best rated victories | |
NM Kavri (2368) | |
FischyVishy (2336) | |
AndreyKostin (2242) | |
yusmart1 (2201) | |
BlackEagle0203 (2189) |