Played 1 Blitz game124712
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Eric Piralla
Mi chiamo Eric e sono un appassionato giocatore di scacchi. Mikhail Tal è il mio giocatore preferito di sempre
Domodossola Italy
Member since 22 Aug 2020
Time spent playing: 11 days, 23 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 minute
Solved 43 training puzzles161752
Played 2 Blitz games
Solved 4 training puzzles166929
Played 7 Blitz games123529
Played 4 Rapid games123618
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #330 (top 55%) with 2 games in Dutch Defense Rapid Arena
Ranked #397 (top 57%) with 2 games in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Solved 35 training puzzles1698105
Played 4 Rapid games12182
Played 1 Blitz game12061
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #244 (top 60%) with 3 games in Hourly Rapid Arena
Played 5 Rapid games121654
Played 2 Bullet games11066
Solved 1 training puzzle159323
Played 2 Blitz games12071
Played 1 Rapid game116213
Played 4 Rapid games114922
Played 2 Bullet games110038