Played 35 Bullet games22641
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Eriberto Pérez Ramírez
Profesional en Educación. Con mención en el área de Matemática. Aficionado del ajedrez toda la vida.
Jaén - Cajamarca Peru
Member since 30 Mar 2020
Time spent playing: 112 days, 17 hours
Time featured on TV: 11 minutes
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TeamsAjedrez san luis rc,chessburg.ruCLUB DE AJEDREZ JAEN DE BRACAMOROSCLUB DE AJEDREZ JAÉN DE BRACAMOROS SUB 2000Club Universitario de DeportesClube de Xadrez BrasileiroCopa América de AjedrezDONKEY KONG COUNTRYfuturegm1905 and friendsIndicheck _huLIGA AMÉRICALIGA AMÉRICA de BlitzLIGA AMÉRICA de BulletLiga del PacíficoLIGA LATINOAMERICANA DE BULLETLiga Peruana de Ajedrez BlitzLOS SUPERCAMPEONES 2022ONI IndonesianNationalOnlineSelección Charrúa de AjedrezTeam Julben
Played 1 Blitz game20198
Played 26 Blitz games202759
Played 25 Bullet games226553
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #97 (top 36%) with 9 games in 5º JORNADA TDI24 Team Battle
Ranked #176 (top 41%) with 18 games in 122 BATALLA DE LAS 12 HORAS Team Battle
Joined 1 team
Joined 1 team
Played 11 Blitz games208644
Played 34 Blitz games2130112
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #36 (top 5%) with 45 games in Maratón Liga América 2024.F25 Team Battle
Started following 2 players