Played 9 Classical games174615
No note yet
Tamer Abou Samra
I learned chess from my RIP father(God bless him); I'm very interested in playing chess, and I need to move forward to improve myself to be GM in chess; my favorite players are two, Kasparov and Magnus Carlsen.
FIDE rating: 1720
Saudi Arabia EgyptMember since 10 Jan 2023
Time spent playing: 35 days, 12 hours
Teamsرابيد بطولات الاتحاد اليوميةكارلسنبطولة نجوم الشطرنجقناة كاسباروف العربقناة د محمد نوفل للشطرنجنادي الشطرنج العربيSCF- النادي الرقمي المفتوحAref_clubChess heroes academyEGY OrganizersGOLDEN CHESS_الشطرنج الذهبيIM Eric Rosen Fan ClubLichess SwissRoad to Sharjah 2024فريق المحبةابطال نجوم الشطرنجاسود الشطرنج
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #224 (top 8%) with 9 games in Classical Shield Arena
Played 2 Rapid games186317
Played 2 Rapid games18461
Played 1 Blitz game16703
Played 1 Rapid game184710
Played 1 Rapid game18379
Played 1 Bullet game131034
Played 7 Rapid games18462