
I Played Jesus In Chess!

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You read that right, I played the God of the universe in chess!

Is That Even Possible?

Alright, let's start at the biggening... I woke up feeling sad. The night before was quite rough. It was, so far, a normal sad filled day. I went to my kitchen to get some breakfast, you know, a normal day. I left the kitchen, and I saw a chess board sitting on the table.

I sat down, staring at the board. I felt really sad at this point, and if you read my last blog post, you know that I play chess for the joy. I set the board up and started playing myself. After I made my first move, I looked across the table. I then realized that I wasn't playing myself.

I saw Jesus sitting in the chair across from me. I imagined him as a blue figure, warm to the touch. I was mad at Jesus and didn't want to talk to him, so I told him that. So he replied, to my astonishment, "Ok, that's fine. But if I win this game, will you talk to me?" and to this I replied yes.

Was He Physically There?

Ok, I'm going to take a small beak from the game to explain what I just talked about. I mentioned that Jesus was sitting in the chair across from me, but your probably thinking, "That's not possible buddy." To this I would answer your right.

Jesus wasn't actually sitting there. He put the thought of Him being there into my head. I imagined him sitting across from me, and I felt his presence when I did. If you've read my What Now? blog post, then you'll learn that it's all about perspective. You could argue that he wasn't there, and your right, but his spirit was. The human part was just what I pictured it as.

I also mentioned that I imagined him as a blue figure. I imagined this because it was the first thought that popped into my mind. This is all about perspective. It helps to picture God as your friend, or just a human being. But it's different for everyone, so just picture Him however you want to, nothing's wrong.

Now you might be thinking, "You couldn't have played him if he wasn't physically there." To this I would answer... Your right, again. Think about it this way... I would play my move, and then I would wait until God showed me what he wanted to play. It's weird, but it works.

Did You Win?

Alright, back to the game. Did I win? To my surprise, no! Jesus just barely beat me in the endgame. I don't know how though, I thought I had him the entire game. I sadly forgot the game, but I do remember how he won. I'll probably never forget it. He got a bishop tactic on me right at the end and later mated me.

I somehow felt better at the end of the game. I wasn't mad or sad. I held up my end of my deal and talked to him about what I was sad about. After we talked for about 20 minutes, I felt so much better. I took on the day with happiness and accomplished so much within my life within the small 24 hours I had!


When we finished talking, he got up and said that He wanted to hug me. We hugged, and it was warm and soothing. He told me that I could play him at chess anytime.

So what's that magical place God talks to you at? This isn't too hard to figure out... What do you like doing? How do you picture God? Where do you feel most comfortable? Maybe you should ask God these questions. You might be surprised! God is so willing to meet you where you want to meet him. Don't be afraid to really let Him have it if you're mad. Surprisingly, He loves when we do that!

Have questions? Shoot me a message here on Lichess or send me an Email at, I would love to answer any questions you might have!

P.S. This stuff would make more sense if you read this blog post.