
Chess Is, Well, Life!

Off topicChess
Chess is a perfect example of life itself.

The game of chess... It's such a beautiful game. There are endless possibilities, kinda like life, and there always will be.

Example #1: Waste No Moves

I want you to picture something for a second... You're a chess king, and you get to make the moves. It's all up to you. You decide whether the game is a good one or a bad one. This is just like life. The power is in your hands, what will you do with it?

Let's say you got the chance to play your favorite GM, but you only had one game. Wouldn't you try your very best? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! But, so is life. You get one chance. We're only here for a little bit of time, so why not make a difference?

Think about it this way... Life is one big chess game, and you make moves along as you go. Your opponent (Life) will throw many challenging moves at you, and you have the choice to either resign, or keep fighting for the win.

What's the win though? The win is living out what God had planned for you! If we win this game called life, we'll earn the trophy, and we'll hear God say: "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" Wouldn't it be nice to hear the god of the universe say that to us?

Example #2: Don't Make the Moves

Let's say you're losing this game called life, and you want to keep fighting, but you don't know what to do. Well, the reason your losing is because you didn't practice enough. It's best to have a coach when training, right?

If you really want to win this tough game, you'll need to be prepared for the worst. The coach will help you with this though, he knows best. The coach in life would be God. If we surrender the game (Life) to God, he'll guide us to victory! It's not that easy though... We'll have to trust him blindly sometimes, even when it doesn't make sense.

If you make your own moves and disregard the coach's, you're most likely going to lose to that GM. We can only see what's in front of us (Current situation), but the coach can see so much farther ahead than us.

You're at school, and your friends are doing things that you know is wrong... They tell you to join them. Your left with a choice now. You could either A. Join them because why not or B. Ask the coach (God) what he thinks.

Let me expand on option A... Let's say you do it, you know it was a bad move, but you don't care because your still in the game. And plus, the coach (God) will just forgive you. He always does. But let's say you were the coach and your student kept making bad moves and didn't care... Would you lose your patience? I sure would. I would leave him there.

The cool thing is is that God never leaves us. He waits, and waits... trying to help you. He never gets mad at you, and always will love you. The choice is ultimately up to you... Do you want to lose the game, and apologize to your coach for not listening? Or will you listen to him? He'll always be there for you no matter what. But remember... You'll only play the game of life once.

We Aren't Perfect

The coach (God) doesn't expect you to get it right every time, that would be just simply impossible. We're only human. But it's the HEART that they look at.

Let's say you hit a kid out of anger, and you get in trouble. You messed up, right? Yeah, but that's not important. What's important is... Do you want change? Do you want to grow from this bad experience? Are you truly sorry? Did you learn something good? That's what the coach cares about. Take the action/blunder completely out of it.

We're going to mess up, but it's what we do with it that counts. That's the secret to winning this crazy, sad game!


Again, the choice is ultimately up to you. Will you take the loss, or will you push for the win? You get once chance, one game.

I want to mention that I didn't wright this to guilt trip anyone, I wrote it for you to ponder what you want to do. Both choices aren't bad, but the result will be different depending on what you do. God will always love you, no matter the outcome.

Thanks so much for reading this! I hope that this information will help you with whatever you're dealing with! I'm here if anyone wants to talk, here on Lichess or

P.S. Good luck with the game :)