Practised 3 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
No note yet
Played one run of Puzzle Streak
Played 7 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Practised 14 positions on Checkmate Patterns III
Played 3 Classical games13069
Practised 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns I
Practised 15 positions on Checkmate Patterns IV
Practised 6 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
Practised 4 positions on Checkmate Patterns III
Practised 3 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practised 6 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
Practised 4 positions on Checkmate Patterns III
Practised 3 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practised 16 positions on The Fork
Practised 10 positions on Intermediate Rook Endings
Solved 56 training puzzles102214