Brandon_Mora_2020Blitz stats
Rating: 945.76. Brandon_Mora_2020 is better than 9.5% of Blitz players.
Progression over the last 12 games:
Total games | 720 | |
Rated games | 656 | 91% |
Tournament games | 538 | 75% |
Berserked games | 15 | 3% |
Time spent playing | 2 days, 7 hours |
Average opponent | 1364.89 | |
Victories | ||
Draws | 24 | 3% |
Defeats | ||
Disconnections | 10 | 1% |
Best rated victories | |
LetItHappen24 (1948) | |
Flecha2004 (1852) | |
Papi_de_papi-talento (1840) | |
JuanPablo1804 (1800) | |
JM_CM (1781) |