Played 2 Rapid games11774
No note yet
Богдан Клепак
Я люблю грати в шахи, бо це дуже розумна гра!
Львів Ukraine
Member since 10 May 2023
Time spent playing: 1 day, 5 hours
Played 4 Rapid games117366
Played 1 Rapid game123918
Practised 17 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practised 15 positions on Intermediate Rook Endings
Practised 11 positions on Key Squares
Practised 10 positions on Deflection
Practised 10 positions on Attraction
Practised 10 positions on Basic Rook Endgames
Practised 10 positions on Underpromotion
Practised 9 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practised 8 positions on Opposition
Practised 6 positions on Greek Gift
Practised 5 positions on Counter Check
Practised 5 positions on Clearance
Practised 5 positions on Desperado
Practised 5 positions on Undermining
Practised 2 positions on Practical Rook Endings
Practised 11 positions on Key Squares
Practised 10 positions on Deflection
Practised 10 positions on Attraction
Practised 10 positions on Basic Rook Endgames
Practised 10 positions on Underpromotion
Practised 9 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practised 8 positions on Opposition
Practised 6 positions on Greek Gift
Practised 5 positions on Counter Check
Practised 5 positions on Clearance
Practised 5 positions on Desperado
Practised 5 positions on Undermining
Practised 2 positions on Practical Rook Endings
Played 4 Rapid games125720
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #236 (top 60%) with 2 games in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Practised 7 positions on Interference
Solved 1 training puzzle13673
Played 3 Rapid games123723
Started following 1 player
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #852 (top 90%) with 1 game in Hourly Rapid Arena
Practised 16 positions on The Fork
Practised 10 positions on Discovered Attacks
Practised 10 positions on Overloaded Pieces
Practised 7 positions on X-Ray
Practised 6 positions on Double Check
Practised 5 positions on Zwischenzug
Practised 4 positions on Zugzwang
Practised 10 positions on Overloaded Pieces
Practised 7 positions on X-Ray
Practised 6 positions on Double Check
Practised 5 positions on Zwischenzug
Practised 4 positions on Zugzwang
Solved 55 training puzzles1370249
Played 4 Rapid games121479
Practised 23 positions on Checkmate Patterns II
Practised 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns III
Practised 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns I
Practised 15 positions on Checkmate Patterns IV
Practised 12 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
Practised 8 positions on The Pin
Practised 8 positions on The Skewer
Practised 7 positions on Piece Checkmates II
Practised 6 positions on Piece Checkmates I
Practised 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns I
Practised 15 positions on Checkmate Patterns IV
Practised 12 positions on Knight & Bishop Mate
Practised 8 positions on The Pin
Practised 8 positions on The Skewer
Practised 7 positions on Piece Checkmates II
Practised 6 positions on Piece Checkmates I
Solved 64 training puzzles1121124
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 14 Rapid games1293114
Played 94 moves in 4 correspondence games
Completed 4 correspondence games2 wins 2 losses
Gained 1 new followerStarted following 1 player
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #775 (top 85%) with 3 games in Hourly Rapid Arena