Played 1 Blitz game19809
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istagram: @Playandrew50
ID FIDE:3956580
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FIDE rating: 1624
Member since 12 Nov 2016
Time spent playing: 67 days, 18 hours
Time featured on TV: 0 minutes
TeamsAjedrez GuerreroAjedrezaCincoASOCIACIÓN DE AJEDREZ DEL ESTADO GUARICOAvengers ChessBangalore Chess ClubClub de Ajedrez los llaneros de GuaricoClub El TablazoEquipo ItaloVenezolanoFiona's Fight ClubFVA MAXIMAKoosha Jaferian Fan ClubLANCEROS DE GUARICOLanceros del Llano Elite 2Latin United Club II Lichess MasterLichess SwissLIGA DE AJDREZ DE BOLIVARMaestro LuisónMILLENNIUMOnline World Chess LoversOutpost ChessPlayAndrewChessRuchess MastersTeam ChessableThe Zugzwang BlogTORNEO DE AJEDREZ INTEGRACIÓN - LIGA DE CÓRDOBAVENEZUELA - EQUIPO
Played 2 Bullet games18831
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 1 Blitz game19898
Played 8 Bullet games18829
Played 14 Bullet games18732
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #146 (top 39%) with 3 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 3 Bullet games187514
Played 1 Bullet game186111