
Entry 5: A Rating Goal Achieved, While With Puzzles I Am Pleased

Hello, comrades of Lichess. As you can tell from the title of this post -- I have achieved my rating goal for the week! However, this happened in quite a strange way. I shall explain all, below.

So, exactly how did I achieve my rating goal? If you have seen "Entry 4: The Magic of a New Time Control," you will have seen that I sat at 1235 at writing that post. Approximately a few hours later, I sat at 1245 with 2 wins in a row! I gave back-rank mate while I was down two pawns in the first. That was a hell of a game -- I honestly should have lost that game. To be fair, he was 1169...

Then, in the next game, my opponent played terribly and I just dominated him, although he was 1226.

Sunday, I played one game which made him resign. Then, on Monday, I played one game and got to 1257! After that I took a break from Rapid rated (which is quite the strange thing), and only played casual games from then on. I mean, there was that scene in that movie in which Doc Brown from Back to the Future played a robber and said "Quit while you're ahead." So I took inspiration from that, and quit.

However, I did 528 puzzles -- with smashing success. I climbed up to 1713 Puzzles -- like my friend (who plays on, but who I'm trying to convert to the Lichess Fandom).

Oh, and also, I viewed Kamryn's "How I Accidentaly got to 2000 in Chess in 2 Years." She studied a lot, and was very smart about it. I'm going to use some of her ideas to get my rating way up.

In other news, I'm benching 100 lbs, only a month after I started seriously working out.

So what's my rating goal for this week? An acceptable goal is 1275 -- just taking it 25 Elo (or Glicko-2 for all the smartasses viewing) at a time. An outstanding goal would be 1285 -- and an unfathomable one -- 1300. We'll see what's in store -- I believe I can do it.

To the Climb!