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[Event "roy chess academy blitz Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.04.17"] [White "shreyas_seshadri"] [Black "shanmukcalfusion"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2020.04.17"] [UTCTime "15:33:24"] [WhiteElo "2103"] [BlackElo "1653"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+1"] [BlackRatingDiff "-1"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "180+2"] [ECO "B50"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Delayed Alapin Variation, with d6"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. c3 { B50 Sicilian Defense: Delayed Alapin Variation, with d6 } Nf6 4. Qc2 a6 5. d4 cxd4 6. cxd4 Nc6 7. Nc3 e6 8. d5 exd5 9. exd5 Nb4 10. Qa4+ Bd7 11. Qxb4 Qe7+ 12. Be3 Rb8 13. Bxa6 Ng4 14. O-O b6 15. Rfe1 Ne5 16. Bxb6 f6 17. Nxe5 fxe5 18. Qa5 Qf6 19. Nb5 Bxb5 20. Bxb5+ Kf7 21. Qa7+ Be7 22. Rac1 Ra8 23. Qd7 Rab8 24. Ba7 Rbd8 25. Qb7 Ra8 26. Rc7 Rhd8 27. Re3 Qg5 28. Rf3+ Kg6 29. Rxe7 Qc1+ 30. Bf1 Rg8 31. Rg3+ Kh6 32. Rexg7 Rxg7 33. Qxg7+ Kh5 34. Qxh7+ Qh6 35. Be2+ { Black resigns. } 1-0