[Event "Casual King of the Hill game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/0LZKdaW3"]
[Date "2025.02.23"]
[White "satia1397"]
[Black "junjie321"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "0LZKdaW3"]
[UTCDate "2025.02.23"]
[UTCTime "21:26:14"]
[WhiteElo "1549"]
[BlackElo "1614"]
[Variant "King of the Hill"]
[TimeControl "180+2"]
[ECO "C20"]
[Opening "English Opening: The Whale"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. e4 e5 2. c4 { C20 English Opening: The Whale } Nc6 3. d3 Nf6 4. f4 exf4 5. Bxf4 h6 6. g4 d6 7. Bg3 Bxg4 8. Be2 Bxe2 9. Qxe2 Nd4 10. Qd2 c5 11. Nc3 h5 12. h3 h4 13. Bh2 Nh5 14. Nce2 Ng3 15. Nxg3 hxg3 16. Bxg3 Be7 17. Kf2 Bh4 18. Re1 Bxg3+ 19. Kxg3 Qh4+ 20. Kh2 Ke7 21. Ne2 Nf3+ 22. Kg2 Nxd2 23. Ng3 Ke6 24. e5 dxe5 25. Re4 Qf6 26. Rd1 Qf3+ 27. Kh2 Nxe4 28. Rf1 Qxg3+ { White resigns. } 0-1